Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Sending the Wrong Signal

Mar 4th, 2011 | By

I wish I could say that this comic is based on a true story, but sadly, none of my friends have ever used a flare gun to summon fellow gamers to their RPG. We always used such boring methods as text messages, or e-mails, or phone calls, or even–dare I say it–organizing a game in person! Of course, if we used flares, particularly novelty flares that “look like things,” we could end up summoning the wrong sort of people entirely. Like when you find Fezzik’s Summoning Pot in the lowest depths of the dungeon, and you try to use it but fail your intelligence test on a d20 roll of 13 or higher, and instead of summoning a level 7 ifrit you summon a demon from the Blackest Nether Reaches that gobbles up you and the rest of your party.

Island Adventure

Feb 25th, 2011 | By

This is one of those comics where the joke is so stupid I can’t help but laugh.

I have no idea how Ben and Winslow got stuck on the island to begin with. They weren’t on the island last week, and they’re not going to be on the island next week. So, in a week’s time, these two somehow managed to get stranded on a deserted island, and in another week’s time, they’ll somehow manage to get off. Probably by someone whoe really likes sauce.

Puppets Are Awesome

Feb 18th, 2011 | By

Sometimes I draw comics that are gross. Or perverse. Or inappropriate. Or perversely inappropriate. Sometimes they’re satirical, or irreverant, or silly. Sometimes I just want to draw a pun. And sometimes… well, sometimes I want to draw something mindlessly cute.

Ghosts of Valentines Past

Feb 11th, 2011 | By

Okay. This one was pretty fun to do.

The original plan for this comic was to show a series of women that Winslow had gone on one date with, before giving him some excuse as to why they couldn’t see him again. I sketched out the comic and added in the script. The women were all essentially torsos without faces at that point. Before I finished them, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be funny to make each of these one-time-only dates actual people?”

Rabbit Ears

Feb 4th, 2011 | By

It’s officially the Year of the Rabbit (as of yesterday). So, you know. Rabbit-themed comic.