Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

PowerPoint Ranger

May 13th, 2011 | By

Winslow has trouble keeping jobs for very long. He has a short attention span, a selective memory, and absolutely no respect for authority–even if that authority is writing him actual checks reimbursible for actual money. He’s gone through dozens of jobs–including a brief stint as a game developer for Nintendo–but all of them have ended in pink slips and forcible removal by security personnel. Sad but true.

Religion for a New Age

May 6th, 2011 | By

This is a religion for the lazy and the isolationist. In a world full of bad people doing bad things (and also irritating people doing irritating things, and teenagers, and elderly drivers, and people with funny accents, and people with accents that aren’t funny enough), the only solution is to lock yourself away somewhere and ignore everything. Kurt the Cynic understands this. He’s a prophet of… not the end times, but certainly the times that are too bewildering to bother contemplating.

Lucha Libre

Apr 29th, 2011 | By

Mexican wrestling is awesome. Everyone wears a mask, so everyone looks like a superhero.

Winslow would like to be a lucha libre superstar, but he needs to bone up on his Spanish a little more.

Defenestration: April 2011

Apr 20th, 2011 | By

Welcome to the April 2011 issue of Defenestration!

You could call this the “Five by Five” issue. That’s not a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference, but it could be, because back then vampires were cool. No, it refers to the layout for this issue. This time around, we’ve published the work of five short story writers and five poets. If symmetry delights you, then the table of contents alone will be enough to entertain you for hours.

Of course, there’s more to this issue than its table of contents (which is pretty great). We have monkeys and sex and Andy Garcia. We also have a story about a ham sandwich—I daresay it’s the greatest story about a ham sandwich that’s ever been published. And that’s only scratching the surface. This issue features a lot of new faces and a couple of familiar ones. I hope you like it as much as Bigfoot does.

Spinach and Artichokes

Apr 15th, 2011 | By

If Ben has one flaw, it’s that he’s always eating stuff Winslow gives to him. You would think that after living with the guy for as long as he has, he would have learned his lesson. But no, here he is once again, tasting something he really shouldn’t be tasting.