Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Costume Play

Jul 22nd, 2011 | By

I drew this strip a while ago without any particular convention in mind, but decided to wait until San Diego Comic-Con to actually upload it. (That’s why it’s spelled “Comicon” in the script; it was originally intended to be a catch-all comic book convention.)

Land of the Lost Food Source

Jul 15th, 2011 | By

What’s this? Another comic involving dinosaurs? What is wrong with me?

The Dangers of Generosity

Jul 8th, 2011 | By

Finally, a comic with full color!

I pulled this script out of a file marked “Ben and Winslow Ideas.” I wrote it months ago, but only recently had a chance to draw it. I love sugar, so I can imagine someone treating it as if it were some king of drug. Either that, or this guy really does use brilliant metaphor.

Buttons and Penny-farthings

Jul 1st, 2011 | By

Buttons randomly appear in Ben and Winslow’s house. Usually something bad happens when the button is pressed, so I figured there had to be at least ONE time where the outcome was positive.

The Bigfoot Mission

Jun 24th, 2011 | By

This comic is based on a conversation I had with a coworker earlier this week. The conversation started as a discussion about politicians and global warming, but that quickly became boring. So instead, the conversation turned to politicians and Bigfoot.