Fake Nonfiction

“CookieMatch: The Dating Site That Tells the Inside Story,” by Robert Moll

Nov 1st, 2023 | By

Seen too many dating profiles like this one: “Hi. I’m Beverly. I’m passionate about lasagna, I root for the Blackhawks, and I have a pet turtle named Wally.” A swipe left for sure—reject! Turns out, there’s more to Bev than carbs, pucks, and reptiles. When CookieMatch, our dating service, enhanced her profile with an account of her online life—what she clicks on—you see a far more intriguing woman. She’s fascinated by the graffiti of ancient Pompeii; she’s reading up on 19th century magic tricks; and she has an ongoing interest in herbal aphrodisiacs. Voila! Bev’s become an alluring right swipe.

“Haunted House of Whole Foods,” by Miriam Jayaratna and Ali Solomon

Oct 25th, 2023 | By

On a dark and stormy Halloween night in 2016, a family from Brooklyn wandered down the gluten-free aisle in the Upper East Side Whole Foods.  Legend has it that the hunt for an edible frozen pizza crust made of cauliflower drove them mad, and they were never seen or heard from again.

“’Choke Up!’: An Aspiring Little League Coach’s Guide to Giving Useless Advice,” by Kevin Duffy

Oct 11th, 2023 | By

Welcome, aspiring Little League coaches. As a long-time coach myself, I’ve been brought in to address one of the most critical facets of this important community role. And trust me, unlike the first aid training and introduction to proper stretching that you’ve already received, I can guarantee you that what you learn from me today will be something you use early and often in your tenures coaching impressionable young men in the finer points of America’s Game. 

“Welcome, Cubic Zirconia Member™!” by Daniel Sennis

Oct 4th, 2023 | By

We’re so glad you’ve decided to stay at one of our thousands of Slightly Better Than Average™ hotels.

As a Cubic Zirconia Member™, you are entitled to park anywhere you like in the Denny’s lot next door! Just let Tad, the night manager over there know when he arrives for his shift at 8 because sometimes he forgets and calls for a tow!

“Audition Notice: ‘Doorman,'” by Steve Schutzman

Sep 27th, 2023 | By

The doorman will be cast from the large pool of doormen in New York City who went on to become professional stage actors in New York City after years of performing the most theatrical of jobs, being a doorman who must come to life for each person desiring entry, desiring exit, and then settle back on his stool after the dramatic moment of touching the brim of his cap, greeting and opening the door for someone. Symbolically, the doorman never enters and never exits. Neither does the actor in the play. All this requires such art that actors who have not been doormen would not succeed in the role. Here life leaks into art like blood between brothers. One would never ask a mule to play a horse, close as it might come in some ways.