
“Current Issue,” by Gale Acuff

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

All the good comic books have been picked through here at the Dunaway Rex-All Drug Store at the Cobb County Shopping Center, so I’m not sure what to do. We get out only once a week, every Friday, Father and Mother and I, for supper. After dessert, Father gives me my due –my allowance, twenty-five

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2 Poems by Robert Connal

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

A sonnet on unsteady buildings On homeward roads the granite houses march, their roofs pulled low against the lash of rain, their windows streaming sea-spray, rustic arch and cobbled path fence-deep in mud again. They’re drunk. The town is famed for drunken homes, its pavements wet with whiskey and its gutters deep in rum. Each

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“Everything I Need to Know I Learned from my Spam Folder,” by John Calvin Hughes

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

Somebody left me a lot of money in Nigeria. Drugs are cheaper through the mail. From Canada. Love is just a click away. Someone is waiting to meet me. My perfect mate is waiting for me! But I really should enlarge my penis. Jesus saved. Now I can too. On my mortgage. But time is

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2 Poems by Tom Noe

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

The Toad One night in the spring of 1887, a strange happening shocked the inhabitants of Crockcaster County, England. An entire village was completely destroyed by crushing, apparently by some as yet unidentifiable species of giant toad. Professor Hepple Prinkle has recently made available diary accounts as taken down by himself, contemporaneously with the events.

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3 Poems by Tom Noe

Jan 20th, 2008 | By

Untitled Limerick A message arrives via media, Inducing immediate tedia. Don’t take it as such, For who knows how much Subliminal media fedia? Poetry Deadline You’ve a deadline to meet but your mind is replete with all manner of secular notions, And your editor swears that there’s no one who dares to reject all his

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