
“Appendicitis,” by Mason Johnson

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

We walk down the street
hand in hand
on our mediocre date
when you explain that
not one, not two, but three!
of your friends have recently had appendicitis,
their organ bursting inside of them.

“Riddled,” by Marit Ericson

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

Jan and I went to a masque as each other.
We swapped interiorities, bandied psyches
about. Hell has indeed frozen over: I’m nice
for once, said Jan-as-me. I grinned, Janly.

“Huck Elvis,” by John S. Fields

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

Huck—Huck Elvis, I’s reck’n you jis tip the raf o’ve wit dat shak’n.
Hang it all, Jim.

Two Poems by Kyle Hemmings

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

I would never compare
you to a cookie
falling from the sky
a pure Oreo
or a virgin Lorna Doone,
unbitten, only flaky at the edges,
me, running to catch you
before you crumble.

Three Poems by Emily Severance

Apr 20th, 2011 | By

Sharp As A Tack

Self help insult books are on the rise
Since researchers discovered
the severely critical remain
sharp as a tack into old age;
alzheimers thwarted
with withering stares.