
“The Cyclops as Art Critic,” by Sarah Henry

Aug 20th, 2018 | By

Who needs two eyes
when the show is dull
and the right people go?

Two Poems by Matt Mason

Aug 20th, 2018 | By

It’s so America,
so nineteen fifties,
so Main Street nostalgic, so
Karl-Marx’s-brain-would-explode-by-the-time-he-hit-the-churro-cart capitalistic.

“Ode to a Corkscrew,” by Marcia J. Pradzinski

Aug 20th, 2018 | By

O, corkscrew—
You’re supposed to be easier,
easier than the one with
bird wings that press down,
and pull the cork up,

Two Poems by Sharon E. Svendsen

Aug 20th, 2018 | By

In bed does he shout, “Action!”?
At some point does he say, “Cut,
let’s try that again.”?
I don’t know about you
but I couldn’t handle
242 takes.

Two Poems by Shreya Pabbaraju

Apr 20th, 2018 | By

It nestled in the crevices
Of my glabella
Embedded like a ruby
In my face of ore
Where my crimson jewel
Sets ablaze your valleys
And melts your tundra,
The flame to your flint,
I am queen of Mars