Ben & Winslow

Job Security

May 27th, 2011 | By

When in doubt, start your own company. If you’re of a particularly violent mindset, such as Winslow, perhaps becoming a contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense is the job for you. After all “security contractor” is just another name for “mercenary” in these more polite, politically correct times.

Teacher’s Pet

May 20th, 2011 | By

Winslow reminisces about another past job….

I like snakes, but I don’t think they make very good class pets. Snakes eat class pets.

PowerPoint Ranger

May 13th, 2011 | By

Winslow has trouble keeping jobs for very long. He has a short attention span, a selective memory, and absolutely no respect for authority–even if that authority is writing him actual checks reimbursible for actual money. He’s gone through dozens of jobs–including a brief stint as a game developer for Nintendo–but all of them have ended in pink slips and forcible removal by security personnel. Sad but true.

Religion for a New Age

May 6th, 2011 | By

This is a religion for the lazy and the isolationist. In a world full of bad people doing bad things (and also irritating people doing irritating things, and teenagers, and elderly drivers, and people with funny accents, and people with accents that aren’t funny enough), the only solution is to lock yourself away somewhere and ignore everything. Kurt the Cynic understands this. He’s a prophet of… not the end times, but certainly the times that are too bewildering to bother contemplating.

Lucha Libre

Apr 29th, 2011 | By

Mexican wrestling is awesome. Everyone wears a mask, so everyone looks like a superhero.

Winslow would like to be a lucha libre superstar, but he needs to bone up on his Spanish a little more.