Ben & Winslow

A Flavor Most Diabolical

Oct 21st, 2011 | By

I’m not a coffee drinker. Never grew accustomed to the flavor. So my interactions with Starbucks and other coffee shops have been limited. My wife, however, introduced me to frappuccinos, which come in non-coffee varieties and, to my delight, also come in a variety of flavors not listed on the menu. Andes Mint frappuccino? Hell yeah. Those things are freaking amazing.

Cloaca Free

Oct 14th, 2011 | By

Bad joke time! I apologize for nothing!

I learned something new while working on this strip. I looked up “virgin eggs” to see if the term really existed, and was horrified by the answer.


Oct 7th, 2011 | By

It’s easy to get jealous when everyone around you is successful….

Family Circus Freaks

Sep 30th, 2011 | By

One thing I hate about long-running cartoons is when the creators/writers/producers feel extra characters are necessary to freshen things up. Previously unknown and unheard of family members are the worst (Stanley SquarePants, I’m looking at you).

Home Remedies

Sep 23rd, 2011 | By

I wasn’t originally planning on posting this one today. I wasn’t even planning on drawing it. But last weekend I was doodling, and imagining what Winslow would look like if he were sick, and everything got a little out of control.