Ben & Winslow

All the Necessary Upgrades

Mar 9th, 2012 | By

Winslow finally gets what he’s been dreaming about: a complete makeover! Thanks to the wonders of cosmetic surgery (and Little Winslow’s amateur plastic surgeon license), Winslow has an all new face. Women won’t be able to resist him now. Not with that amazing face.

Bad Romance

Mar 2nd, 2012 | By

The secret’s out: Winslow reads romance novels. And with his recent “realization” that he is, in fact, hideously ugly, why wouldn’t he dream about muscles and cheekbones and a full head of glorious golden hair? And why wouldn’t he suddenly want to look like that all the time?

Yes, cosmetic surgery is definitely the answer. It’s the only way he’ll feel better about himself.

I Am Ugly, and I Am Proud

Feb 24th, 2012 | By

The first continuous Ben & Winslow storyline of 2012 has begun. Winslow has obviously internalized the comments from his visit with Dr. Spiderqueen, which is a shame, because he really is a pretty attractive guy. This will not end well. Once Winslow gets an idea in his head, he takes it to its logical conclusion.

Really, he’s more ugly on the inside. That’s where he keeps his guts.

Old Fashioned Applesauce

Feb 17th, 2012 | By

Just something simple for today. Sometimes, you just want to draw a picture of someone eating his own head, only it isn’t really his head, because he’s using his head to eat the new head. Also, when the old head isn’t attached to the body, the new head doesn’t have anywhere to go after it’s chewed up. This is basic stuff, but I thought I’d point it out to you.

Wizard Hats

Feb 10th, 2012 | By

Most wizards’ power comes directly from their hats. The hats actually act as second brains, because the majority of spells are so incredibly complex the average person has no way of storing more than a handful at a time. Truly great wizardry requires a substantial repertoire, and so the standard issue wizard hat is employed to store all the spells the wizard can’t remember on their own. Strange but true!