Ben & Winslow

Pride of My Ancestors

May 25th, 2012 | By

WARNING: Today’s comic contains images of a blurry penis in a jar. If you’re offended by blurry penises in jars, you probably shouldn’t look at today’s comic. If you’re at work, you also probably shouldn’t look at today’s comic, unless you’re a urologist and penises are part of the job.

What Is Art…?

May 18th, 2012 | By

Today we’re going to get a little bit artsy and a little bit philosophical. What is art, friends? Is it an abstract rendition of emotions otherwise impossible to convey in mundane shapes and colors? Is it a painting done with such skill that it borders on photorealism? Is it a photograph in a tasteful frame, possibly in black-and-white, or at the very least some sort of sepia shade, making it look like it was taken in cowboy times?

Only One Kenobi

May 11th, 2012 | By

Today’s comic was directly influenced by my son, who has been in full-on Star Wars mode for the last few weeks. “Lemon Greason” sounds like a name a three-year old would come up with because a three-year old DID come up with it. As far as I know, Lemon Greason is the first original character he’s come up with.


May 4th, 2012 | By

My three-year old son, who watched me as I uploaded today’s comic, started cracking up laughing at the sight of Winslow in an Iron Man costume. “That is ridiculous!” he said. I’m happy that this meets the approval of the young and illiterate.

Let’s Get Political!

Apr 27th, 2012 | By

I actually had no idea they gave out Pulitzer Prizes for editorial cartooning until everyone made a big stink about the complete lack of a fiction winner this year. (Which I think is worth making a big stink about. Because seriously?) I think it’s… amusing… that a Pulitzer can be given out for a political cartoon, but not a freaking novel.