Ben & Winslow

A Foe Most Monstrous

Aug 3rd, 2012 | By

Another important rule for questing is having the right tool for the right job. Winslow is obviously some sort of fighter/warrior/berserker-type so axes are clearly going to be his thing. He has dozens in his collection, but I don’t think he’s ever come upon a monster so horrible that it required him to break out… Salma.

A Quest! I Demand a Quest!

Jul 27th, 2012 | By

One of the important rules of questing is assembling a competent group of companions. You need to have someone who can handle a sword or an axe, someone who can shoot well, someone who can disarm traps, someone who can wield magical powers, and someone with a bottle of medicine for healing boo-boos. Winslow’s a little short on friends, so for this adventure he’ll have to rely on Little Winslow and Kurt the Cynic. They will probably definitely be killed by a manticore.

Bathroom Mirror on the Wall

Jul 20th, 2012 | By

Today’s strip is the first in a fresh story arc. I figured it was high time Winslow went on an adventure, and what better way to start then by being compelled by your sinister bathroom mirror image? Will Winslow find the fable Crown of Ellipses? Will he defeat the Wizard Octothorpe in the bowels of the enigmatic Parenthetical Castle? Will he turn off the sink?! Find out next week! Or maybe not!

Bucket of Parts

Jul 13th, 2012 | By

This is the last Friday the 13th strip of the year, and since I started the trend of injuring Winslow in the first two (by having his face scraped off in the first one, and by having his face burst into flames in the second), I knew I’d have to do it again the third time around. This one doesn’t have Dr. Spiderqueen in it, but she’ll come in later. So if you’re itching to see her, just be patient. Good times ahead.

The Big C

Jul 6th, 2012 | By

Winslow’s family members have not fared well in any of my comics. First I killed off his brother, then his grandfather, and now his uncle. So if any of his remaining family members are out there reading this, I suggest writing up a will, counting your blessings, and finding a nice place to live out your remaining days. You might be next.