Ben & Winslow

Change We Can Believe In

Nov 16th, 2012 | By

Today’s strip is all about fire! I wanted to create a strip with Ben and Winslow having a seemingly normal (or what passes for normal in their world) conversation, oblivious to the flames that had suddenly burst to life on their heads. And then at the end, I would hit you all with a profound message or something. See what I did there? I’m educating you through laughter and flammability. And that’s not an easy thing to do. I’m sure my Nobel is already in the mail.

She’s Got Legs

Nov 9th, 2012 | By

All of the characters in Ben & Winslow exhibit some sort of exaggerated aspect of my own personality. All of them except Laura, who is the strip’s embodiment of my wife.

The conversation in this strip may have actually happened a few weeks ago. At least that’s what my wife will tell you, but she’s a liar.

Lincoln Lover

Nov 2nd, 2012 | By

If you live in the DC area and take public transportation, you’ve probably seen the hundreds of Lincoln movie posters plastered all over the insides of select Metro stations. And when I say “all over,” I mean “all over every available flat surface.” The posters mainly consist of Abraham Lincoln’s real-life (or maybe imagined-to-be-real-life) quotations and Daniel Day-Lewis’ face. They are impossible to ignore.


Oct 26th, 2012 | By

This strip is based on a misunderstanding my son has about what ghosts say. He thinks they all say “Boom!” but I had to explain to him that most ghosts actually say “Boo!” and that only exploding ghosts say “Boom!” He’s only four, of course, so he hasn’t really encountered ghosts of many varieties. And of course, according to an earlier strip, most ghosts are kids under bedsheets, anyway.


Oct 19th, 2012 | By

Today’s strip is based on a joke you may have heard before: Two muffins are baking in an oven. The first muffin turns to the second and says, “Is is hot in here, or is it just me?” And the second muffin says, “Holy shit, a talking muffin!”

If you hadn’t heard that joke before, I’ve just added muffiny richness to your joke repertoire. You’re welcome.