Ben & Winslow

Yellow Snow

Dec 28th, 2012 | By

We actually had our first real snowfall of winter the other day. Things looked promising, but then it started to rain and turned everything into mush. I can still dream about proper winters with proper snows, with snowmen and snow angels and snow demonologists–all the trappings of a winter wonderland. And I’ll live out those dreams in comic form. And maybe with a urine joke.

Appliance Envy

Dec 14th, 2012 | By

I’m contractually obligated to give Ben at least one punchline every year, and the easiest way to do that is by taking Winslow out of the picture entirely and letting Ben soak up the spotlight.

The Unexpected Proposal

Dec 7th, 2012 | By

Just in time for The Hobbit… here’s a comic strip that mentions a character from that novel. HA!

We’re getting close to the end of the year (and maybe the end of the world), and what better way to wrap thing up than with a wedding that’s never going to happen!


Nov 30th, 2012 | By

Remember the time (read: the 80s) when phones (the kinds with cords) were made to look like things? Like, you could buy a phone shaped like a shoe or a football, and everyone would marvel at how quirky or eccentric or whimsical you were. Our cell phones haven’t quite reached that phase yet. We can get fancy covers for them, but I don’t think anyone’s designing mass-market cell phones that look like things other than phones. I want a cell phone shaped like a frog or a slice of pizza or… well, a rock.

Young People Use Curse Words

Nov 23rd, 2012 | By

The dialogue in today’s strip is absolutely real. I heard it at a local Burger King several months ago (which just goes to show how long I’ve waited before uploading this).

Basically, the manager of this particular Burger King is a fast-food stereotype: short, overweight, balding, pasty, and greasier than the hamburgers. The poor guy was probably in his mid-thirties but looked like he was ten years older. His staff consisted entirely of teenagers, and it was easy to see that they didn’t take this guy seriously.