Ben & Winslow

The Great Meteorite Mystery!

Feb 1st, 2013 | By

Ben and Winslow watched a shooting star scream earthward last week, and now Winslow’s actually found the damn thing. But, like all of history’s greatest thinkers, Winslow has questions. Where did this magnificent, still-smoking piece of space debris actually come from? The answer will no doubt shock you.

Shooting Stars

Jan 25th, 2013 | By

I admit that today’s strip is pretty ridiculous. But I won’t apologize for it. It was created at the last minute from the molten gray matter bubbling at my brain’s core, and when forging something from such raw, elemental materials you can’t stop.

A Misanthrope’s Guide to Resolutions

Jan 18th, 2013 | By

Reya the Misanthrope returns! I personally don’t like New Year’s resolutions because they reek of impending failure. Reya’s opinions are far harsher.

Sass Bears

Jan 11th, 2013 | By

Last week I mentioned some things people wanted to see more of in Ben & Winslow. One of the top three was “people getting mauled by bears.” I hadn’t really intended to draw a comic about bears–that was just a joke answer in the poll I was conducting. But what the hell, you know? Let’s get some bears up in this joint.

Pink Snow

Jan 4th, 2013 | By

Welcome to 2013, fools! I decided to start things out right this year by drawing a comic with unexpected subject matter. So today we have a Ben & Winslow strip all about menstruation. If you were keeping a list of all the potential subjects I could have written about, go ahead and mark that one off. I can wait.