Ben & Winslow

Reasonable Plot Resolution of the Spiderqueen

Mar 7th, 2014 | By

My apologies to anyone who thought I was going to have Winslow and Dr. Spiderqueen actually start some sort of relationship. That was never the intention with this last series of strips. My job, as the creator of this strip, is to present the characters with a comfortable level of constancy. I’ll let the fans worry about shipping characters. That’s their job.

Revenge of the Spiderqueen

Feb 28th, 2014 | By

Dr. Spiderqueen might be a doctor and a queen and a woman, but Winslow has failed to realize that she’s also an anthropomorphic spider, and that should probably cause even more concern. I mean, she’s poisonous and capable of spinning her own webs. Shouldn’t that worry you, Winlsow? Shouldn’t it?!

Wrath of the Spiderqueen

Feb 21st, 2014 | By

And now the regret kicks in…. And the fear.

Tales of Romance and Horror!

Feb 14th, 2014 | By

I’m so glad I actually get a Valentine’s Day that falls on a Friday. That means I get to make an appropriately romantic comic strip. Muahahahaha!

Go-Go-Gadget Chopper! I Mean Copter!

Feb 7th, 2014 | By

So here we are: The first truly violent strip of the New Year. Revel in its goriness, you sick bastards!