Ben & Winslow

Sterner Stuff

Apr 11th, 2014 | By

Some people know martial arts. Some people carry weapons. Winslow protects himself with near invulnerability and the ability to cause severe and sometimes fatal allergic reactions.

Fork it Over

Apr 4th, 2014 | By

C’mon, Ben! You know better than to walk around with a wad of cash in your hands….

Always Carry A Spare

Mar 28th, 2014 | By

Whenever I post a comic like this one, people ask me if they can see the uncensored version.


Mar 21st, 2014 | By

The first panel of this comic is based largely on the interactions of my two oldest children. My 5-year-old son is a perfectionist and a know-it-all, and my 4-year-old daughter loves to use that to her advantage. One of her favorite ways of irritating him is to mess up information on purpose.

Fruit Salad

Mar 14th, 2014 | By

I don’t know why Kate and Ben are being so grumpy in this comic. Who doesn’t like pairs?