Ben & Winslow

Tucson Raiders

Mar 20th, 2015 | By

I can say “Tucson” just fine, but every time I read it the C and the S switch places and I swear the thing sounds like “Tusken” in my head. I’m sure I’m not the only one this happens to. It certainly happens to Winslow.


Mar 13th, 2015 | By

Dedicated to every woman ever. Because let’s face it: a man wouldn’t last a day dealing with the kinds of things a woman has to put up with every minute of her life.

Main Menu

Mar 6th, 2015 | By

I’m not a chef, or even a reasonably talented cook, but I AM an adult responsible for several small children, so it is inevitable that I have to prepare meals for my family. And because I know how to cook certain things better than other things, that means my family tends to eat from the same menu.


Feb 27th, 2015 | By

Originally I wanted to do a comic where Winslow was speaking in Old English, but that was only because I wanted to incorporate a bunch of old letters English speakers don’t use anymore. But then I thought, the International Phonetic Alphabet has all of those letters and a whole bunch of other crazy-ass letters.

The Amazing Spider-Pants

Feb 20th, 2015 | By

I don’t typically like to do topical humor, but I’ve wanted to chop Spider-Man into pieces and give one of more of his body parts for Winslow to play with for several years now, and the recent Spider-Man news seemed like the perfect opportunity to play out that fantasy scenario.