Ben & Winslow

Burn It Down!

May 29th, 2015 | By

I kind of feel like I’m trolling my own fans with this one…

Romance Novelty

May 22nd, 2015 | By

To all the women out there reading this comic… don’t you hate how the entertainment industry automatically assumes that a story needs some sort of romance element to keep your attention? Like, Hollywood will make an action movie, and then say, “You know what? We need women to see this movie, too. Let’s add a love story.” Because women aren’t interested in anything else. It must be all those emotions you have sloshing around inside your bodies.

Sex and Violence

May 15th, 2015 | By

You know what this comic needs? More clipboards.

Fan Service

May 8th, 2015 | By

Every now and then an artist needs to step back from his body of work and ask the big questions. Why do people enjoy my work? What would make them enjoy my work more? Are bathing suits really the answer? Sometimes it’s the artist that wonders these things, but sometimes it’s his or her characters that wonder if their audience is truly invested. Winslow’s at that stage in his illustrious career. Maybe one day he’ll find the answers he seeks.

The Orange Hulk

May 1st, 2015 | By

After eating a bag of gamma-blasted tortilla chips, mild-mannered glutton Winslow transformed into the Orange Hulk! The Orange Hulk is a staggering 4 feet tall and eats everything in sight. No restaurant, grocery store, farmer’s market, or refrigerator is safe.