Ben & Winslow


Jan 29th, 2016 | By

I never make resolutions for a new year unless they’re really vague, so usually I tell the world that I plan to read more, write more, and draw more. Those are all pretty straightforward, and my success or failure can’t be easily measured unless I put forth way more effort than I want. But Winslow? This guy’s unstoppable. No one has a resolution success rate like this. Ben has every right to be jealous.

Community Service

Jan 22nd, 2016 | By

Hello again, folks! Looks like Winslow’s been roused, so I can start posting Ben & Winslow comics again. Going on hiatus is nice and all, but, like Winslow, if I don’t find ways to be productive I waste a lot of time. Thankfully I took a whole week off from work after Christmas, so I had lots of time to draw fresh comics. My stockpile’s pretty good now. Here’s hoping to a great 2016!

We’ve Got a Big Problem!

Dec 18th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic literally blew you away and literally knocked your socks off, you only have the great Capn-Courage to blame! I started following Capn’s work fairly recently, and he never ceases to amaze me with every new drawing he does. Seriously, if you haven’t taken a keen interest in Capn-Courage’s work, I suggest you do so immediately.

My Home Security Stinks

Dec 11th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic looks strange and amazing, that’s because I didn’t draw it. I’m taking a break, remember? Today’s strip was drawn by talented cartoonist Phil Jones, who’s been uploading a great series of dinosaur-themed comics called Size and Stupidity over on deviantART.

Jingle All The Way

Dec 4th, 2015 | By

Today’s comic opens with a joke that I like to tell my kids. And because the oldest are 7- and 5-years-old, this is exactly the kind of humor they enjoy. (I have to warn them not to repeat these sorts of jokes at school. While I’m sure they’d be a hit among their friends, I don’t want to face the inevitable backlash when teachers and parents find out I’m the source of their material).