Ben & Winslow


Jul 29th, 2016 | By

The “monster hands” curse didn’t seem to work on Kurt at all, but once Winslow touched an actual human person, things got bad. Really bad. Now poor Apsara has turned into the fire-breathing monster Apsauron! I smell a rampage coming on…

Fright Handed

Jul 22nd, 2016 | By

Looks like that fairy Winslow was keeping in a bottle didn’t drown in raspberry jam after all.

Fairy Jelly

Jul 15th, 2016 | By

The Legend of Zelda games are always weird because the people you talk to always expect you to have an empty bottle with you. The grocery store doesn’t expect me to have my own bottle when I want to buy water or milk or soda, but they haven’t figured out how to mass produce bottles in Hyrule. There’s usually only like three of the stupid things in the whole country. Winslow clearly would find ways around these obvious storage deficiencies.

It’s Dangerous To Go Alone

Jul 8th, 2016 | By

Word to the wise: Any store that only has three items on display is bound to have extra stuff behind the counter. It’s just a matter of knowing what you want. This particular store may look like it specializes in keys and candles and empty bottles, but the owner secretly sells organs on the black market. Sweet, delicious organs. Winslow likes eating them on the spot, but it’s much better to put the hearts into a container to eat back home.

Taco Bellerophon

Jul 1st, 2016 | By

Taco Bellerophon sells some really Greece-y tacos. Just sayin’.