Ben & Winslow

Habeas Corpus

Sep 2nd, 2016 | By

The world is infested with clowns, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there are clown lawyers running around.

Ben & Winslow Without Winslow

Aug 26th, 2016 | By

Not enough people have maple syrup fountains incorporated into their tombstones. This troubles me. I think about it a lot.


Aug 19th, 2016 | By

Did I just pull a George R. R. Martin?

Winslow Ball Z

Aug 12th, 2016 | By

When fusing three secondary characters doesn’t work, the next logical step is to fuse two main characters. The result is Benslow (or Winslen), a mighty being combining all the strengths of Ben and Winslow (or Winslow and Ben). Also, there’s cool hair involved.

Winslow Universe

Aug 5th, 2016 | By

There’s a monster on the loose, and the only way to stop her is with superheroes! Preferably superheroes that combine to form even better superheroes.