Ben & Winslow

Failure to Diagnose

Mar 3rd, 2017 | By

Normally Winslow would ask Little Winslow for medical advice, but since Dr. Spiderqueen is Ben’s doctor and Ben seems to be the one dying this week, Winslow felt it was only appropriate to stick with the physician that has the appropriate medical files on hand instead of a drawer filled with printed photographs of things he found when sneaking into the offices of legitimate doctors after hours. Or something.


Feb 24th, 2017 | By

I think it’s really easy for people to fall into bad spending habits. For example, I spend way too much money on tabletop gaming miniatures. I have so many of these things in my house that I’ll never have enough time to paint them all, let alone actually play games with them. I’ve tried to wean myself off this habit by buying board games instead, but now I’m spending way too much money on board games. Such is life.

Chest of Drawers

Feb 17th, 2017 | By

Cartoon characters wear the same clothes all the time because cartoonists are lazy and don’t feel like deviating from their drawing routine. I’ve doubled down on this laziness by making my characters’ clothes so integral to who they are that you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart if they suddenly started wearing other things. Do they have one outfit that they dutifully wash every night and change into the next morning? Do they have closets filled with identical clothes?

I Want a Pizza That

Feb 10th, 2017 | By

There are about a thousand jokes that I could have used here, each of them more crass than the next. But my philosophy is this: I will always try to eschew the obvious joke for a more obscure but ultimately more satisfying one.


Feb 3rd, 2017 | By

———– It’s about time Winslow got back into the genetic engineering game. Maybe this time he’ll finally do some good. Could you imagine the Senate floor overrun with acid-spitting monstrosities? (I don’t plan on making a bunch of overly politicized comics this year, but part of the reason I endeavored to drawing as many comics

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