Ben & Winslow

Hot Flashes

Jul 28th, 2017 | By

Some people shed skin. Winslow sheds heads.

Super Grocery Kart

Jul 21st, 2017 | By

I don’t know if you’re aware of this (and I probably wouldn’t have paid much attention but I’ve got four kids, so…), but a lot of grocery stores have shopping carts shaped like little cars. The benefit to these things is that they can usually hold two small, squirming children instead of the usual one, making grocery shopping that much more bearable. But some of these things are true monstrosities.

Job Prospects

Jul 14th, 2017 | By

Winslow has a terrible time holding down jobs. Like, really terrible. As a professional ne’er-do-well, Winslow is perpetually unemployed. But that never stops him from trying. I’m sure that makes him a better person.


Jul 7th, 2017 | By

Hey! There’s a new Spider-Man movie out! And a Venom movie on the horizon, which is awesome because Venom is my favorite Marvel villain! And because my 4-year-old pronounces “Venom” as “Benom,” I thought this was appropriate.

Full Coverage

Jun 30th, 2017 | By

Lots of talk about health insurance recently. I wonder why?