Ben & Winslow


Jul 20th, 2018 | By

Full confession time: This comic makes me extremely uncomfortable.


Jul 13th, 2018 | By

My wife an I eat a lot of pho. My wife is particularly obsessed with it, and we’ve got so many Vietnamese restaurants nearby that it’s really easy to grab some on the way home from work or school or the gas station or the grocery store or 7-11 or wherever else we might be. I don’t like to think about how much money we’ve spent on pho.

Nice Eyeball, Eyeball

Jul 6th, 2018 | By

Alternate title: “Scott Summers.”

Buried, But Not Forgotten

Jun 29th, 2018 | By

Winslow likes to set his mistakes on fire, so I figured it would be constructive to show another way in which you, gentle viewer, can deal with adversity. If fire isn’t your thing (and I don’t recommend that one), then maybe burial is a better, less destructive option? I’ll let you decide.

Swipe Right As Fast As You Can

Jun 22nd, 2018 | By

Kurt has had a very active dating life, so this particular pairing really doesn’t surprise me at all. This relationship might actually work out as long as he stays away from milk and always carries an umbrella.