Ben & Winslow

Common Salt and Vitriol

Apr 30th, 2010 | By

There’s a reason I don’t draw the lower half of my charaters’ bodies. And here you thought I was just being lazy.

Flawless Home Security

Apr 16th, 2010 | By

In this comic, Winslow is following the standard rules governing home invasions and how to handle them. Incidentally, the following rules also work against alien invasions, barbarian invasions, and most invasions of privacy:

1-Reassure your housemates that nothing is wrong, and that “You’ll stop them.”

2-Grab an item from your collection of European pole-arms.


Apr 9th, 2010 | By

I could make a dozen secondary jokes here, but I won’t, because all of them will be off-color and will involve a phallus in some way. And there might be children around.

Purple Pigment

Apr 2nd, 2010 | By

The dude next to Winslow seriously has no clue. No. Clue. Everyone else in the neighborhood learned this lesson a long time ago.

A Commandment or Whatever

Mar 26th, 2010 | By

I honestly have no idea what Winslow’s stealing in this comic. I tried to make it as ambiguous as possible. That object on the left side of the panel could be a shelf, it could be a safe… who knows? If the artist doesn’t have a clue, the rest of you are completely in the dark.

I hope I did Moses justice here.