Ben & Winslow

(Un)impressive Powers

Jul 9th, 2010 | By

Psychic Rob might be psychic, and clairvoyant, and yes, even telekinetic, but until he learns to use those powers for something people find generally useful, they’re going to be little better than parlor tricks. Beautiful, hamburger-delivering parlor tricks.

Summer of Lies

Jul 2nd, 2010 | By

It’s been a rainy summer this year. Maybe not cold and rainy, like it is in this comic, but rainy nonetheless. And that, my friends, is kind of a bummer.

Vampire On The Back Of My Head

Jun 25th, 2010 | By

I can’t think of a better tattoo than a face on the back of someone’s head. I’m sure someone has done this in real life, although I haven’t seen any examples. It’s probably terrifying.


Jun 18th, 2010 | By

The truth is, Winslow and Kurt are only into steampunk because they like to have an excuse to wear goggles. It was either steampunk, or become professional swimmers. And steampunk didn’t require shaving off their body hair.

Thanks For All The Oil

Jun 11th, 2010 | By

So. I made an oil spill comic. F— you, BP.