All entries by this author

“Surefire Science Fiction Predictions,” by Lee Blevins

Aug 19th, 2020 | By

Nothing dates a science fiction story quite like it being set in what is now the present with elements that have not, and will not, come to pass. Flying cars, robot butlers, alien invaders–sure, that all sounds nice, but it’s just pretty busted, like my smartphone.

Table of Contents for August 2020 Issue

Aug 16th, 2020 | By

New issue coming August 20th, 2020!

“To The Influencer It May Concern,” by Catherine Lazăr

Aug 12th, 2020 | By

This letter is my formal resignation of all duties and services as your personal cellular telephone. While I am aware my sudden departure will cause considerable strain on your social life and estimated self-worth, I am no longer comfortable performing aspects of my job that I consider degrading, fraudulent, and a misuse of my abilities

“The Zombies of Hancock Park” by Loren Kantor

Aug 5th, 2020 | By

Los Angeles, 1995.  I’m in a Hancock Park mansion for three marathon days working on a low-budget mafia/vampire/zombie flick starring an ex-Playboy Playmate and an actor who’s been dead for more than a year.  My pay: $75 a day.  My position: props/art department.  The fact I’ve never worked with props or art department is never discussed.

Casting Aside Perfection

Jul 31st, 2020 | By

Today’s comic was drawn for a friend. She had an idea for a cartoon after the topic of “perfection” came up during some training with her coworkers, so she sent me the script and asked if I would sketch something up. The original strip was the first three panels–basically a positive statement about accepting the fact that perfection isn’t always a healthy or viable goal all the time. But this is me, right?