All entries by this author

“Why Does Nobody Care About the Death of my Dieffenbachia?” by Jack Berning

Dec 20th, 2020 | By

Why does nobody care about the Death of my Dieffenbachia?
I Woke Up this morning and all its leaves had gone brown.
I’ve been in a Panic ever since.

Two Poems by Joseph Moorman

Dec 20th, 2020 | By

You never judge me.
Cash or credit?
Whichever makes me happy.
And the card I insert?
The magnetic strip can face either way.
Very thoughtful.

“Advice to a Young Poet,” by Mary Chris Bailey

Dec 20th, 2020 | By

Arrogance makes your words
sound of howling dogs.

They fall from your mouth, in
lifeless idioms you call poetry.

Gift Vault

Dec 18th, 2020 | By

My kids have been wondering where all the Christmas presents are. I haven’t really been hiding them, exactly, but they expect them to be in some really clever place, so they haven’t stumbled across them yet. I wrapped everything in the guest room down in the basement, then put all the wrapped presents into some boxes in the same room–all fully visible.

“A comedian’s performance rider,” by Danny Rathbun

Dec 16th, 2020 | By

It’s a tough world out there for artists who are just starting out; producers are always ready to take advantage of young artists and try to cheat them out of pay, or force them to work in unsafe conditions, and it can be very difficult to speak up for yourself when you feel you’ve been wronged.