All entries by this author

Doing My Best

Mar 5th, 2021 | By

It’s important to do your best. Just remember that there are always risks involved. Always.

“Out of All the Billions of People in the World,” by David Sandwich

Mar 3rd, 2021 | By

An odd thing happened to me last night. I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, when a thought occurred to me.

I thought that, out of all the billions of people in the world, there must be at least one person out there who was, at that very moment, falling in love for the first time. Or, maybe there was more than one person. I couldn’t know for sure.

Casket Couture

Feb 26th, 2021 | By

This strip is dedicated to my grandmother, who used to knit all sorts of things.

“Lincoln and Darwin Cloned,” by Jordan Prager

Feb 24th, 2021 | By

Members of the Faith Inspired Cloning Group, (FICG) have long been vexed by the persistent popular belief that Lincoln and Darwin were humanists. FICG leadership is confident that young Lincoln and Darwin clones raised in a sequestered faith-based community will climb to even greater heights than the originals and repudiate their irreligious views. To wit, Lincoln was likely a deist and the adult Darwin gave up Christianity. But for all the care and research FICG has thus far expended on its corrective cloning project, the teenaged versions of Lincoln and Darwin disappoint.


Feb 19th, 2021 | By

Yeah, this is a comic about toilet paper. It’s even a comic about stockpiling toilet paper. But it is not a comic about the pandemic.