All entries by this author

“Salem’s Sid and Nancy,” by Nancy Byrne Iannucci

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

Tis smotherin’ under these stones
but me conscience suffocates me worse.

Travelin’ nights with the weight still on me chest.
I should have kept me mouth shut, Martha,

“Hamlet Plays Tic-Tac-Toe,” by K Roberts

Apr 18th, 2021 | By

For your Sunday enjoyment: Hamlet!

Table of Contents for April 2021 Issue

Apr 14th, 2021 | By

New issue coming April 20th, 2021!

“Letter to the Mother-in-Law,” by Shyama Laxman

Apr 14th, 2021 | By

Dear Mother-in-law,

How many times can you hoover your flat? Turns out, I can do it every single day. I see my dark hair on the beige carpet and it fills me with anxiety. Hair, anywhere other than on my head has always been a source of revulsion. Now that I’m married to an English man, who is perhaps more used to spotting light hair on the floor, the couch or the carpet, I have to be extra careful.

“Poet’s Voice,” by Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

Apr 11th, 2021 | By

For your Sunday enjoyment: a comic!