All entries by this author

Two Poems by Maria Declare

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

Once I loved a website browser,
but he has made me weep.
For I did the dual screen;
I pushed what should have stayed asleep.

“Best Look,” by Chris Bullard

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

Thanks for the makeup
and for burying me in
this really neat suit.

“this poem contains 69 Ws,” by Emma McNamara

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

i hate the letter W because it’s the only letter
in the english language With more than one syllable

“Ode to Retirement,” by Annette Sisson

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

And I shall let my hair go gray. Not
that it’s white like the shiny pearl of baby teeth,

nor gleaming like the stainless appliances I polish
in the kitchen. I shall let my hair go gray—

“The Overcoat,” by Shai Afsai

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

I once accompanied a woman
I loved and lived with
to her college sorority reunion.
It was a cold evening.
I wore my favorite coat