All entries by this author

“The Definitive Guide to Writing the Perfect Query Letter,” by Elizabeth Barton

Aug 4th, 2021 | By

If you have aspirations of publishing a novel, you might think that once you’ve finished writing the manuscript, you’ve conquered the hardest part. Although this is a great accomplishment and an important step, it’s a relative piece of cake compared with what lies ahead. To realize your goals, you’ll probably need to secure representation by a literary agent, and for that, you’ll need a query letter. You may have heard that the agent query letter is the most important letter you will ever write, and likely rewrite upwards of 17,500 times.

“My New Abundance of Caution Lifestyle (Because You Can Never Be Too Careful),” by R.D. Ronstad

Jul 28th, 2021 | By

A phrase has been frequently popping up in the media and on signs in establishments recently that I’d never heard before: “out of an abundance of caution.” It most commonly appears, of course, in reference to mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic, though I have also seen it used in military contexts such as the holding back of 12 National Guardsmen from inauguration day duty.

“The Honor of Our Rejection,” by R. C. Barajas

Jul 21st, 2021 | By

We appreciate your faith in SHR to give your story the careful reading it deserves. Thank you for considering us. Please believe that reading this kind of unsolicited submission is a task we do not take upon our cardigan-clad shoulders without full acknowledgment of the heft of our responsibility. There is not a waking moment in which we do not gratefully hitch our hearts to the wagons of editorial duty and whip the steeds of literary glorification into a lather of somber consideration.

“Gone Fishin’: A Stable Genius at Work,” by Ali Kashkouli

Jul 14th, 2021 | By

The sheer amount of electricity required to power the volume of television I consumed as a child could have caused rolling blackouts in the average third world nation.

“The Best Red Velvet Cake Around,” by Shelli Frew

Jul 7th, 2021 | By

Now, I know what you’re thinkin’: “The best red velvet cake? Can’t be the best, what about Little Debbie?”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me a Little Debbie cake, as much as the next red-blooded southerner. But this recipe, passed down to me by my meemaw, Dorothy Birdie, is better than anything Little Debbie could bake. It’s sure to delight anyone come round for tea.