All entries by this author

Metroid Confusion

Oct 8th, 2021 | By

Weird how I drew a comic about Metroid and released it on the same day a new Metroid game came out, right? So weird.

“From Ouch to Oops: A Writer’s Critique of Writers’ Critique Groups,” by Elliot Wilner

Oct 6th, 2021 | By

Okay, I’d like to comment on the piece that Jim has submitted. I just love the title, “No F’s, Ants, or Butts” — and I think it’s really insightful – but — if I might just make a suggestion — and again I think it’s a great title — Jim might want to soften the wording a little.

Fallen Fashion

Oct 1st, 2021 | By

It’s October, folks, which means we can all do the things we think about doing all year but aren’t allowed to because of the October-negative strictures of society! I’m going to draw a bunch of Halloween-themed comics: jack-o-lanterns, costumes, jump scares, the works. (I haven’t figured out how to put a jump scare into a comic yet, but we’ll get there.)

“You Think Your Luck Is Bad,” by Amy Wright

Sep 29th, 2021 | By

For my entire life anytime I complain about anything my mother responds with some newly acquired anecdote about someone who has it harder. I first noticed the pattern in college after I griped about a roommate and she told me about a boy born without hands who had taught himself to paint by holding a paintbrush between his teeth. 

“Nine More Stories,” by Pat Flynn

Sep 22nd, 2021 | By

It’s true: J.D. Salinger did continue to write from 1965, when his work last appeared, to his death in 2010.

Announcing the publishing event of the decade….