All entries by this author

“Dumplin’,” by Craig Holt

Mar 30th, 2022 | By

I understand now how serious you were when you shouted, “I will not live with a pig!” It is also abundantly clear that my decision to bring home a four-hundred-pound Gloucester pig named Dumplin’ did not turn our sad two acres of weedy herb gardens and blighted squashes into a Farm.

“Slice of Life,” by Heather Vi Kish

Mar 23rd, 2022 | By

It was a crisp, fall day in 1981 and my brother Steve and I were searching our grandparents’ basement for Grandpa’s severed thumb. We were frantic, not because he needed to reattach it but because he promised a fifty-cent piece to whoever brought it back to him.

“3 Steps to a Stunning Corpse,” Jacob Bentzen

Mar 16th, 2022 | By

If you care about your image, dying should scare you to death. For years, the final moment of our lives has been glorified as some serene, almost beautiful process: we die peacefully then cut-scene and bam—tux, flowers, funeral. Nothing in-between.

“The way these dates go,” by Sierra Ford

Mar 9th, 2022 | By

The first thing he did was ask me on a date. It was in the bitter cold of a California winter, and the mall was decorated with all kinds of winter festivities. I could hear the sounds of steel blades scratching the ice behind me as little children attempted to push their feet forward on the foreign temporary terrain.

Spider Bias

Mar 4th, 2022 | By

Winslow knew exactly what was going to happen. But why stop a show, right?