All entries by this author

“Muse,” by Susan Chertkow

Apr 20th, 2022 | By

I never thought I’d use an online Muse service, but there I was signing up on one, paying for premium features, adding my photo and profile to dozens of other aspiring writers. My writing block was impenetrable, my slump insurmountable, my misery inescapable.

“Man in Nursing Home,” by Oak Morse

Apr 20th, 2022 | By

One morning man in nursing home

walks out of room with robe open, genitals hanging out.

Lady next door shouts Oh my goodness!

Then slams her door.

Man lifts genitals and says They dead.

“goose shit,” by Maria Giesbrecht

Apr 20th, 2022 | By

there’s a man in the park saying it’s been a while since he’s seen
a pretty girl open a book
and before I have time to curse his soul
to the depths of Hades
I laugh a little

“Signs You Are A Minor Character In A Disaster Movie,” by Jocko Benoit

Apr 20th, 2022 | By

You are in the middle of a bad marriage
or a great affair, or you are spending
your Vegas losses in a bar.

“Silly Little Pity/Slumber/Purge Party,” by Emma McNamara

Apr 20th, 2022 | By

I’m turning my pity party into a purge party and
all my exes are invited—
dearest darlings, serenade me at 
my silly little slumber party starring a bunch 
of queer gals with one(1) Emma™ in common—
what could possibly go wrong?