All entries by this author

“Caring for the Dying Patient at Home,” by Traci Mullins

Jul 13th, 2022 | By

Move all the furniture out of a spare room and order a hospital bed. Remove unnecessary décor, as making the surroundings too “homey” can lead to denial (in both patient and family members) about the fact that your loved one is dying. Keeping things sparse will discourage any push-pull between the players, a source of stress that can be avoided if everyone is on the same page. Especially be sure to remove all photos of your loved one’s loved ones. This is not the time to surround her with reminders of what she is leaving behind, as this will only make her transition more difficult.

I See You Are a Man of Culture

Jul 8th, 2022 | By

I dare you to find a tabletop gamer that doesn’t have a box, drawer, attic, garage, or basement filled with unpainted miniatures. It can’t be done.

“Notice to All Employees Regarding the Burger Czar’s Appearance,” by Ken Robey

Jul 6th, 2022 | By

I am pleased to announce that we will be marking our seventh year of operation as a Burger Palace franchise with a gala Grand Opening celebration.  The Burger Palace corporate office has given us the long-awaited green light and has set its massive public relations wheels in motion. The big day will be November 12.  I’m sure we will all find this momentous occasion to be well worth the wait.

Choose Your Character

Jul 1st, 2022 | By

Creating a character for an RPG is arguably the best part.

“Zookeeping for Dummies,” by Sarah Totton

Jun 29th, 2022 | By

How do you zoo?

It’s easy.

Just follow these simple steps.