All entries by this author

“Lament of a Suburban Boston Formalist,” by Richard Jordan

Aug 20th, 2022 | By

It’s hard to sell your rhymes when you’re from here.
What editor would recognize that Worcester
doesn’t go with fester, but with blister?

“Super Mario Downtime,” by Stephen Kowalkowski

Aug 20th, 2022 | By

with the pipes shut off
and the flying turtles grounded
find him by the Trevi Fountain
admiring that Roman plumbing

Sweet Summer Child

Aug 19th, 2022 | By

Time to get back to this comic’s roots: Winslow doing weird and horrifying things to his body that are also somehow cute and charming.

“A box seeks injunction against use of ‘shopworn shibboleth,’” by Boaz Dvir

Aug 17th, 2022 | By

A West Jefferson, Ohio, cardboard box has filed a class action lawsuit against tens of millions of Americans, citing defamation, libel, slander, reputational damage, separation anxiety, social phobia, externalist angst, agoraphobia, panic disorder, PTSD, ADHD, and FOMO.

Table of Contents for August 2022 Issue

Aug 15th, 2022 | By

New issue coming August 20th 2022!