All entries by this author

“There Is a Small Window,” by Eric Odynocki

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

of opportunity when I can wash
my clothes in my building’s basement,
unhurried or without delay. Nine-to-fivers,
nodding off from routine, haunt

Table of Contents for December 2022 Issue

Dec 15th, 2022 | By

New issue coming December 20th 2022!

“So You Want to Have Sex with an Alien,” by Nathan Rudibaugh

Dec 14th, 2022 | By

If you are an interstellar traveler for long enough, you will want to have sex with an alien.

Even if you usually have the abundance of willpower or dearth of sex drive to resist or ignore temptations of the flesh, the dull and isolated nature of space travel has a habit of turning even the most chaste celestial sightseer into a sex-starved letch.

“I Need a Bell,” by Lisa Haneberg

Dec 7th, 2022 | By

I find myself in an awkward life-and-death situation. I need a bell, but if I buy my own, it will not work well. And if I ask for the bell, the one I receive will possess fewer protective properties. If I neither buy nor ask for the bell, it’s unlikely that I will get one. The consequences could be dire. Let me explain.

“Unceremoniously Speaking,” by Mark Tulin

Nov 30th, 2022 | By

I know I’m not being politically correct, but I hate weddings. It’s not that I don’t like the institution of marriage — it’s the ceremony I can’t stand. It’s painful watching a couple agonize over the number of guests to invite, the size of the wedding cake, and the seating arrangement. And it’s uncomfortable to watch the couple say their vows. You see the stress on their faces that says: What did I just agree to?