All entries by this author

“Genie Needs Help,” by Alex Dermody

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

Genie floated above Aladdin, a towering blue know-it-all. “I grant you three wishes, little man,” Genie said. “The rules are—”

“I wish for the ability to stop biting and picking my fingernails,” Aladdin replied.

The corners of Genie’s mouth curled into a small smile. “Biting your nails?”

“Biting and picking,” Aladdin said. “I wish for the ability to stop biting and picking my fingernails.”

“Hera,” by Marianne Gambaro

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

In a golden palace on Olympus
she soaks in her alabaster tub
and looks disdainfully at her tummy

“An Ode to HR,” by Kenneth Nichols

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

Without you…
Applicants wouldn’t 
enjoy long, happy afternoons
copy-pasting the exact same information
from their resumes into
fourteen different portals.

“How To Tell When Things Are Dead,” by Ron Riekki

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

Cartoon characters—after they have completely disappeared when falling into an abyss. There is no other surefire way to know a cartoon character is dead, so if you are ever wanting to kill one, ensure an abyss is nearby. 

“CAPTCHA,” by Gary Grossman

Dec 20th, 2022 | By

You’re an A-hole really,
my optic nerve skewered

far into my cerebellum.
by this chastity belt for

the Web. Postage stamp
pictures, grainier than beach

sand, but missing warmth.