All entries by this author

“Showdown at Widow’s Creek, an Eyewitness Account,” by Alexei Kalinchuk

Jan 25th, 2023 | By

A mob of angry mimes gathered.  They seemed to be sharpening swords or loading pistols, I couldn’t tell.  Also, they weren’t really good mimes.  But there they were amassed outside the city, so we called an emergency meeting with the police and city manager and a retired guy who loitered at all these events. 

A New Year Rises

Jan 20th, 2023 | By

Nothing like a new year to get you in the mood for trying new things, eating healthy, and bettering yourself through art, exercise, and education.

“Drinking With, And Punching Out, Famous Writers,” by Bill Kitcher

Jan 18th, 2023 | By

So I met Ernest Hemingway. He was kind of drunk and obnoxious, and I didn’t want to engage, but he got belligerent when I mentioned “Revolutionary Road” by Richard Yates, and had he read it, and how good it was, and how it was better than anything Ernie wrote. That pissed him off so he tried to start a fight. He was so drunk he took a couple of swings at me that weren’t even close to my head, so I just backed off. It got boring after a while so I popped him in the schnozz, and he went down and passed out, not because of my punch, but because he was way too drunk.

“Cookie Monster Guest Edits the New York Times’ ‘What to Cook This Week’ Newsletter,” by Miriam Jayaratna

Jan 11th, 2023 | By

Good morning! Me Cookie Monster. Sam Sifton and Melissa Clark both on vacation, so me here to help you plan out week of cookie – oops, cooking. 

Me grateful to NYT Cooking for valuing diversity of perspectives. It have recipe collections for sad people on special diet, like gluten-free, low fat, and potato salad. But Times also platform for connoisseurs like Cookie Monster, who think cookie is foundation of food pyramid. Me personally believe pyramid should be shaped like cookie, but me will save this argument for me op-ed column.

“You thought Ledger had it bad,” by Pete Zipf

Jan 4th, 2023 | By

Chris Pratt battles demons while preparing for his role of Garfield in the Garfield movie.