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Apr 10th, 2015 | By

Even Ben, apparently, has a violent streak.

“Recycle This!” by Bill Chatterson

Apr 8th, 2015 | By

I’m sick of recycling, aren’t you? It’s annoying. I hate separating all those paper product packages and folding them up or rinsing out plastic lids and sticking them in little green bins. I miss the old days when you could drive down the highway and lob out your empty pizza box and watch it travel like a Frisbee into the nearby woods. Back in those days people were still pretty much free to behave badly, but not today. Now we have to act “responsibly” and dump all our trash on the floorboard of the car. There are stiff penalties if we don’t.

Mistakes Were Made

Apr 3rd, 2015 | By

I had this same issue when I was a kid. I would draw maybe three lines, decide I didn’t like where it was going, and then push the drawing aside. I didn’t erase. I didn’t flip the page over. As far as I was concerned, the drawing was dead to me, and I laid it to rest with the corpses of its underused fellows.

“The True Origin of ‘The Napoleon Complex,'” by Robert Scribner

Apr 1st, 2015 | By

Napoleon Complex. A lot of people like to throw that term around. It’s also commonly known as “Short Man Syndrome.” You know the gist: smaller guys feel an urge to compensate for their size, usually via excessive aggression. But did you know that the origin of the term Napoleon Complex is historically inaccurate? If not, read on!

Hamburger Seeds

Mar 27th, 2015 | By

This one’s courtesy of my 6-year-old son, who refers to sesame seeds as hamburger seeds.