All entries by this author

“Who’s SORI Now?” by Arthur Carey

Jun 17th, 2015 | By


“Yes. You have reached SORI, the Safety Outreach Response Initiator. I am the screening and dispatch coordinator of your local police, fire, and ambulance services. Do you require immediate assistance?”

“Well, no, I tried calling earlier, but I got the wrong—”

“You may have contacted a multi-national technology corporation that has a partially-eaten fruit as its logo.”


Jun 12th, 2015 | By

WARNING! This comic contains all sorts of nasty curse words, like [censored], and [censored], and even [censored]. It says [censored] twice!

“Lifelong Bed Rest: Living the Dream,” by Paige Lockhart

Jun 10th, 2015 | By

You know you’re getting older because you are aging, and because you are aging, surely you have noticed how difficult it can be to force yourself out of bed each morning. Do not mistake this feeling of lethargy as some sort of warning sign from your body. This new age tendency to portray fatigue as some kind of physical ailment is a bunch of hogwash. Low iron levels are a myth, and any sweat producing exercise can lead to a severe imbalance in your body’s humors.

Gluten Free

Jun 5th, 2015 | By

My wife’s been talking about gluten a lot lately. Or rather, she’s been talking about things that don’t have gluten in them. But let’s face it, folks: unless you have an actual medical reason for not eating gluten (which is in practically everything, including food), then you should probably eat it. Because bread is delicious.

“Frustrated Hempster Blunted by Mary Jane,” by Paul Handley

Jun 3rd, 2015 | By

Dear Principal Andy Lendelsom,

I want to bring to your attention a situation involving your students with the hope that we can resolve this issue. The bus stop shelter in front of the 7-Eleven at the intersection of Price and Monroe is filled every day before school with your students smoking marijuana. They have apparently mistaken it for a clubhouse, wallpapered with advertisements for the seasonal return of traditional meals to fast food restaurants involving green coloring and fake rib molds.