All entries by this author

“X-Men Epilogues: Days of Past Forgotten,” by Neil Fulwood

Aug 20th, 2015 | By

Charles Xavier’s sulked in his room
since matron said Cerebro was banned:
why triple the leccy bill when there’s
a copy of the Yellow Pages to hand?

“The Spring House for Spoiled Rotten Teens,” by Mike Fowler

Aug 19th, 2015 | By

Here at Spring House we provide a supportive environment for up to thirty spoiled rotten teens, with the youngest age 16 and the oldest 19, who are not yet so lazy as to require hospitalization or life support. Experiencing the emotional and physical upheavals of youth along with the cognitive and bodily failings of advanced age, or claiming they do, these teens suffer the worst of both worlds. They need help with bathing, dressing, homework, applying for jobs, getting out of bed at some point and saying a kind word. That is where we at Spring House step in.


Aug 14th, 2015 | By

Dedicated to my son, whose handwriting is terrible. Way worse than Little Winslow’s.

“Pissing in France,” by Ron Riekki

Aug 12th, 2015 | By

We’re driving on whatever the hell the name of the main road is that goes through Paris and I have to piss. There’s six of us in a car—me, my girlfriend, her friend Katty, Katty’s husband’s mother who has a name that I forget as soon as she says it, a dog named Ramses (I’m serious), and Katty’s husband’s father who will not let me piss. I think it’s a gas issue. He’s worried that if we exit, we might end up driving around for a bit looking for a place for me to relieve myself, so he’s telling me to hold it in. Except he’s doing this in French and no one speaks English in the entire car other than me and my girlfriend.


Aug 7th, 2015 | By

Getting rid of that birdbath would be a cardinal sin.