All entries by this author

My Home Security Stinks

Dec 11th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic looks strange and amazing, that’s because I didn’t draw it. I’m taking a break, remember? Today’s strip was drawn by talented cartoonist Phil Jones, who’s been uploading a great series of dinosaur-themed comics called Size and Stupidity over on deviantART.

“Kill Your Cynic in 5 Easy Steps,” by Madeline Popelka

Dec 9th, 2015 | By

So you’ve met a cynic. You find him insufferable, but you can’t avoid him because your best friend thinks he’s “kinda cute in an ugly way.” Fear not, for we have supplied a fool-proof method to cure him of his prickly outlook on life.

Jingle All The Way

Dec 4th, 2015 | By

Today’s comic opens with a joke that I like to tell my kids. And because the oldest are 7- and 5-years-old, this is exactly the kind of humor they enjoy. (I have to warn them not to repeat these sorts of jokes at school. While I’m sure they’d be a hit among their friends, I don’t want to face the inevitable backlash when teachers and parents find out I’m the source of their material).

“Pesky Journalists,” by Aidan Kingsford

Dec 2nd, 2015 | By

Journalist #1: I’m here at the royal wedding of King Henry XIII and Catherine of Parr. Your highness, it’s an honor to talk to you at this beautiful affair.

King Henry: Thank you, I’m glad you could make it. Did you have some questions for your publication?

Journalist #1: I indeed did, I’ll rattle through them real quick.

King Henry: Sounds good.

Journalist #1: So this is your sixth wedding, correct?

King Henry: Yes, this time I’ve found love for real.

Journalist #1: Do you really believe that?

Puppets Shown

Nov 27th, 2015 | By

And to think Laura and Apsara have been doing this the entire time!