All entries by this author

“Calavera for Skeletor,” by Sarah Frances Moran

Dec 20th, 2015 | By

That motherfucker He-man finally got to him.
Broke his spirit.

Two Poems by Sarah J. Campbell

Dec 20th, 2015 | By

You used to believe in things:
Santa Claus,
the Tooth Fairy,
life after love,
little people who lived in your TV and waited for you to turn it on so they could entertain you.
You believed that somehow you had been born without your parents having sex
(because who wants to think about that?).

We’ve Got a Big Problem!

Dec 18th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic literally blew you away and literally knocked your socks off, you only have the great Capn-Courage to blame! I started following Capn’s work fairly recently, and he never ceases to amaze me with every new drawing he does. Seriously, if you haven’t taken a keen interest in Capn-Courage’s work, I suggest you do so immediately.

“I Found My Fit,” By Andrew Knott

Dec 16th, 2015 | By

Almost a year ago, my wife surprised me with a Fitbit for my birthday. Perhaps she had noticed me glancing at hers longingly, checking in on her weekly challenge stats, monitoring the rises and falls in her heart rate, or surreptitiously slipping it on late at night when she was in bed and had left it to charge. The power I felt when wearing it, if only for a few short minutes, was intoxicating. I, a mere mortal, could count my own steps and measure the pace of my heart!


Dec 14th, 2015 | By

The holidays are like communism. It’s a great idea on paper, then people get introduced to the system, and then everything goes to shit.