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Mar 4th, 2016 | By

Winslow has opinions, Ben has opinions, Willow has opinions, it’s just a big old bag of opinions, man. But for the record, Ben is absolutely right.

“Form Apology,” by E. Wilson Young

Mar 2nd, 2016 | By

Dear Friend,

Let me first thank you for coming to my party. We don’t hang out enough, and we should. Sadly, as you may already know, when I get drunk, things that may seem amusing to me at the time reveal themselves, upon sober reflection, to have been in poor taste. With that in mind, and for expediency’s sake, please, fill out and present to yourself this abject apology with my deepest regrets. I look forward to putting this unfortunate business behind us.

Stem Cell Research

Feb 26th, 2016 | By

I don’t know when Winslow started researching stem cells, but apparently he’s been doing it long enough for all his friends to take notice.

“Not So Fast, Jesus,” by Leah Senona

Feb 24th, 2016 | By

There was probably a time in my life when I had not yet heard of the Rapture—the miraculous evacuation of Christians to heaven before God unleashes hell on earth—but I cannot remember such ignorance. “If the Lord tarries,” was tagged onto nearly every conversation my fundamentalist parents had about plans more than a week or so in the future. Every which way they looked they discovered signs the end was nigh. From the Gulf War to the “Kids First” Illinois license plates popular during my elementary school years, proof that the world was too corrupt to last much longer was seen everywhere. The most damning evidence that the Jesus’s return was imminent, though, was the utter lack of interest our small-town neighbors had in attending our church and listening to Papa preach at them about the sin of abandoning church in the weeks, maybe years, preceding the end of times.

The Prince of Peas

Feb 19th, 2016 | By

My 7-year-old thinks this comic is hilarious. That’s the level of humor we’re dealing with today, folks!