All entries by this author

“Do Not Read Books (Or Ebooks),” Carly Phillips

Mar 23rd, 2016 | By

The recent increase in smartphone usage and the upsurge in the popularity of ebooks and the many forums dedicated to discussing and enjoying books and literature have contributed to the growing concern about reading. Studies by many medical professionals have linked reading to many dangerous activities such as temporarily ignoring reality, using imagination, calling attention to real-world issues, becoming attached to characters, creating theories and critically analyzing stories, and using already generated work to inspire so-called “fan-work” to express appreciation.

Get Pumped

Mar 18th, 2016 | By

One thing new parents don’t really think about is the breast pump. Seriously. It’s easy to understand the concept of breastfeeding, but many people fail to realize that moms are producing milk all the time, whether the baby is hungry or not.

“The Step-By-Step Guide To Being A Failed Writer,” by Hasen Hull

Mar 16th, 2016 | By

1. Be born, and given an unremarkable name with some slight variation that makes it difficult to spell or pronounce.

2. Have a birthday party at a young age in which you’re the centre of attention. Crave this attention for the rest of your life.

3. Endure family issues throughout your childhood, preferably with your father.

Who Am I?

Mar 11th, 2016 | By

Sometimes you need to step back and be a little absurd.

“Working at an insurance company is killing my soul but now that I’ve got your voicemail…” by Robin Sizemore

Mar 9th, 2016 | By

Sprightly: Good afternoon, this is Robin from XYZ Insurance. I’m sorry I’ve missed you. Interested in saving some of that hard-earned cash? Well XYZ can help. Give me a moment to explain.

In a hushed whisper: I’m supposed to be asking you to agree to a competitive insurance quote but I’m just so burned out on this job I can’t even go through the spiel. I mean really, WHO CARES? Insurance companies are such self -serving rip-off artists. And my boss is an obese cootie who drops everything to watch me make coffee. Gives me the creeps. If he makes one more joke about insuring my body parts, I swear I’ll call the Better Business Bureau. Freak.