All entries by this author

“Guerilla Grilling: How to Host a BBQ in a World on the Brink of World War 3,” by Nick Hilbourn

Jun 1st, 2016 | By

I want to talk a little bit about my experience with the Greg Foreman Grill.

Now, many of you fact-checking hipsters are going to call me out and say that I spelled the first name wrong, but Greg Foreman is my cousin from West Virginia and he is the inventor of The Grill.

I’ve heard there’s another big name out there cock-blocking Greg from the prime lady-action that he’d inevitably get by being the inventor of The Grill, but let me say right here and now that it was Greg Foreman all the way.

That’s Not A Cannoli

May 27th, 2016 | By

It’s not a cannoli. No one eat it. Seriously.

“The Watering of the Decorative Tree,” by Mickie Winkler

May 25th, 2016 | By

I overheard some friends at my house one night saying: “Her tree looks more real than ours.” Why was this innocent remark, even compliment, so upsetting? Why did it keep me awake that night?

Ben & Finslow

May 20th, 2016 | By

It’s May, and artists all over the world have been celebrating by drawing mermaids! Lots and lots of mermaids! So I decided to join the festivities and draw some mermaids of my own. I mean, Annie essentially has Ariel’s color scheme, so it wasn’t much of a stretch to add a tail.

“Dry Clean City,” by Nicholas Verykoukis

May 18th, 2016 | By

Welcome to Dry Clean City. Unlike other dry cleaners you may have used in the past, we don’t just clean your clothes at a low price in a bland, convenient location staffed by grumpy part-timers who wouldn’t know customer service if it jumped out, cuffed them, and read them their Miranda rights. No, we aim to be a true dry clean city, a polis whose entire existence is derived from and organized around the ancient and celebrated history, theory, and practice of dry cleaning.