All entries by this author

“A Little Help from ChatGPT,” by Judy Gitterman

Jul 26th, 2023 | By

My kids hate my boyfriend.

They say he’s a dick. In my gut I agree with them. So when I say I’m going to break up with him they’re overjoyed. I tell them I can’t do it in person or on the phone. I’m too much of a coward and he’s too manipulative.

“Sorry, You’re Never Going to See Your Rosetta Stone,” by Lynn Sakai Burn

Jul 19th, 2023 | By

We won’t be granting you a visa to visit our museums so that you can view the artifacts we stole from your country, and we’re not returning them. 

“Charles III boasts least impressive hairdo of all King Charleses,” by Ainsley Hawthorn

Jul 12th, 2023 | By

During King Charles’ historic coronation ceremony, all eyes were on the head that wears the crown and, more precisely, on that head’s Pantone Cool Gray #1-coloured tresses. Longtime hair-haver Charles III joins a proud lineage of British King Charleses, all of whom had more majestic hairstyles than the newly crowned sovereign.

“BoostyBuddy – Your guilt free way to a better life™,” by Lanay Griessner

Jul 5th, 2023 | By

Are you tired of feeling depressed? Worn-out by justifying your failures to your dwindling social circle? Sick of wasting thousands of dollars on a certified psychiatrist to bring up topics that you have carefully repressed?

Do you wish there was a better way? Well now there is.

“Da Vinci Did It; You Can, Too,” by Stuart Watson

Jun 28th, 2023 | By

It’s never too late to be a great Renaissance artist. Yes, the original Renaissance was a long time ago, but it’s making a comeback. Renaissance? So retro. R-squared, baby.